Invest in a sustainable, user-friendly and scalable sharing platform

Freetrailer, with 19 years of experience, is a leading trailer rental sharing platform with over 125 partners, including IKEA, Pelican Self Storage and Europris, across more than 1100 stores in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Germany.

Our partners benefit from increased visibility and new customers through our platform, which has shown its potential for expansion into new markets. Users enjoy financial savings and easy access to trailers and cargo bikes, as confirmed by over 1 million rentals in the last 12 months.

Our focus on sustainable growth and employee well-being has created a motivated workforce that contributes to our high service quality. The Freetrailer share, FREETR, is traded on Spotlight Stock Market.

Latest investor news

+ o,60%  + 4,85% 
Shareprice i DKK
Yearly turnover
0 mDKK
Freetrailers on the roads
Freetrailer locations


Investor presentation

We update our investor presentation every quarter.

Q3 report

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Nicolai Frisch Erichsen

+45 26 81 81 28

Strong core business with scalable concept

Freetrailer’s overall strategic goal is to expand its digital sharing-economy service to every country, city and area that has the conditions required for its services. Freetrailer will continue to expand and adapt its product portfolio in line with the needs and developments of the market. Our long-term expectation with the initiatives we have launched and the opportunities we have identified is to achieve a total market position of 6,800 rental products with a total of 1,600,000 rentals by the end of the financial year 24/25. 

Our self-service solution puts enormous demands on us as a company. We have a strong technological platform and a professional organisation which ensures less work for stores and makes partnering with us easy and profitable.

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