Notice of extraordinary general meeting in Freetrailer Group A/S

Forskellige Freetrailer partnere

Notice is hereby given of the Extraordinary General Meeting in Freetrailer Group A/S, which will be held on Wednesday, September 27 at 17-18 – at the address Gladsaxe Møllevej 67-69, 2860 Søborg.


  1. Election of chairman.
  2. Election of board of directors.
  3. Any other business.

Registration for the general meeting must be sent to, no later than Friday, September 22, 2023 at 16.00:

The right to attend and vote at the general meeting is granted to shareholders who are registered in the register of shareholders on the date of the general meeting. A shareholder who has acquired shares by transfer may not exercise voting rights for the shares in question at general meetings that have been convened unless the shares have been entered in the register of shareholders or the shareholder has notified and documented his/her acquisition.

A shareholder or a proxy may attend the general meeting with an advisor.

Elaboration of the items on the agenda (complete proposals):

  • Election of chairman.
  • Election of the Board of Directors.

Since January 9, 2023, the Board of Directors has had an exemption from Spotlight Stockmarket regarding the composition of the Board of Directors of Freetrailer Group A/S.

Nicolai Frisch Erichsen wishes to resign from the Board of Directors as he has taken up the position as Group CEO of Freetrailer. Founder and Chairman of the Board Allan Sønderskov Darre wishes to resign as Chairman of the Board and member of the Board. Anders Birk will continue on the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors proposes to the extraordinary general meeting new election of

  • Thomas Zeihlund.
  • Jesper Lohmann.
  • Charlotte Bender.
  • Mikael Bartroff.

A description of the directorships of Thomas Zeihlund, Jesper Lohmann, Charlotte Bender and Mikael Bartroff will be available at the extraordinary general meeting.

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